Before I started my training with Sterling I was beginning to do some things "right." I wasn't working the long hours some of my colleagues were but problems with unproductive employees, marginal profits and cash flow were keeping me thinking about my practice twenty-four hours a day! I was so busy trying to figure out how to help everyone around me that no one was getting any real benefit. No one was happy, especially me.
Fortunately, I responded to a card that I received from Sterling for a video. I made the call, talked to Sterling, called their references and signed up for training. Like most CPAs, I possess a certain amount of professional skepticism. I really questioned the referrals that I talked to. But, I am also very logical. The other Sterling clients that I talked with were very genuine and sincere. They were speaking from their own experience. I believed them. Therefore, my decision was based on the fact that if they benefited from their association with Sterling then I would too if I did my part. I knew I was capable and willing and now I also knew that others had done this successfully before me.
I finished my first courses and returned to my office ready to go. The rest is history. Here are the facts. Judge for yourself whether my being a Sterling client has paid off for me.
Before Sterling After Sterling
Percentage of Billing Rate Realized 54.93% 102.22%
Effective Billing Rate For the Firm per Hour $45.45 $109.94
I could wish nothing more for you than that you also have the same opportunity to receive the benefits that your association with Sterling can bring.
Charles R. Booth, CPA