Shortly after starting my practice in 1989 I was invited to attend the National Large Tax Practice Group (NLTPG) convention and the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA). My practice was nowhere near qualified at that point but I knew this is where I needed to be, so I set qualifying for and attending this forum as my goal. Through hard work and honest dealings I grew my practice to qualifying levels and I attended my first NLTPG retreat in 2000 in Chicago.
It was a real educational experience! Mingling with and exchanging operational, marketing and revenue generating ideas with the top tax practitioners in the country added tens of thousands of dollars to my practice. I made lots of new friends and developed a super network of contacts I can turn to for quick and accurate answers to any question. Yet, something was still missing.
I was working hard and enjoying my work less. I felt that I wasn’t servicing my clients in a manner I would want to be serviced. I didn’t want new clients because that would only add to my workload and stress level. At the same time, my staff was complaining about being overworked and underpaid. In short, I was burned out and ready to throw in the towel!
At the 2005 NLTPG retreat in Philadelphia I was introduced to Sterling. In December 2005 I attended the management-training course in California. The wins in the practice now just keep on coming. Most notable is that I have taken seven weeks away from the office with three more planned off before the start of next tax season, without sacrificing income!
I would strongly recommend that you call Sterling at (800) 933-7538 to find out how you can obtain this powerful management technology and make running your business the fun game it should be. Call and request their free DVD and no-charge consultation.
A. Rhodes Wilson, MBA, EA, CFP®, ChFC, CASLTM