Mark Sherman, CPA

Hi, my name is Mark Sherman. I'm a CPA out of Las Vegas, Nevada. I've been with Sterling in Glendale, CA since October of 2006. I have six staff besides myself. 

In October of 2006, I received a postcard in the mail, and it was at a time when my practice—there were a lot of challenges I was going through.

And I decided, you know what? I need some help. I need some help from somebody who has more knowledge than I do. And I gave a call to Sterling. I spoke to a guy named Ben Ochart. And Ben sent me a video, and I watched the video. I said, you know, I really got to come and see this company and see what they're doing; see if they can help me. So I came in, met with Ben. When he presented everything at first, I was, you know, obviously I was very shocked.  I was like, wow! You know this is really a great program. But at first, you just don't know the value, until you actually get in and you start to learn some of the technology that they're working with. So I started to do that, and all I can tell you... it's been up from there.  Our statistics for our office has been up. Our staff has been with us for a long time. We've hired great staff because of Sterling. We have people that have been with us eight years, and I've been with Sterling, you know, since 2006. So we're talking nine years! Of that time frame, we've had really good people since we've had quality interviews. Quality process for being able to find great staff. And that I got from Sterling. 

I think our biggest win overall in the nine years I've been with Sterling is that they've made our staff incredibly productive. They've really helped our staff to go to other heights, who—never thought we were going to be able to reach.

Also I think on a personal note with Sterling, I've been able to spend more time with my family. I've even actually been able to teach my kids to do things that—be more productive and realize that by being productive, they end up being happier overall. So that's been great. I never thought that, you know, just out of a work environment type of, you know, practice management company, that we would get the benefit on the personal side too. And it's really helped. And I feel good. I feel good about myself too.