James M. Sterrett, was working as a small business consultant when he went back to school in 1986 and he got certified as a CPA in 1991.
My background was in marketing and sales, so my problem was not in getting clients, but in organizing around them to be able to provide the best service. As a business consultant and as a solo practitioner, I was sure there was some kind of workable overall system of running a business and sooner or later I would find it or codify it myself.
So when Sterling came along I knew I wanted the organization to grow but lacked some management skills. When I started going over the seven division organizing board Sterling uses, I could see Sterling had a complete system that I could use. The timing was very right.
So were the results:
As soon as I returned from Sterling, I started applying the Hubbard(c) method for management by statistics and applying the formulas for growth.
This year to date, my gross is up 60%, and because of various factors my net is up far more. "As a consultant, I was able to see the value of the management technology; it allowed me to see that this was an entire system for running a business, where most consultants work on one area.
Naturally, I've used the data with my clients, too. One, a lawyer, had reached a plateau in his practice and I put in a couple pieces of organizational technology and now his business is booming too.