All Work and No Fun Make for a Stressful Life

Sterling Practice Management - Glendale, CA: Play games with your staff and celebrate achieving highest ever numbers or other milestones.

Here are some game suggestions: a nice dinner for all employees and their spouses, an in-office party, a gift certificate for a shopping spree. What is important is that it will be something the staff will get exited about and really play for.

Any time you create a production game for your staff, do the following:

1. Set specific and objective goals to be reached so there will be absolutely no question whether the game was won or not. But make them sufficiently above the ordinary so the practice can afford the prize.

2. Survey the staff as to what prize the majority of them desire. Do not make it an open question or you’ll get no answers back. Give them several choices, including “other.” That way, if they do have a different idea, they can include it.

3. Put the game (including the prize) in writing so no arguments or disagreements ensue as to exactly what was said.

4. Remind them of the game periodically to keep them motivated and keep them abreast of how they are doing re winning it.

5. Deliver the reward as soon as it is won and do it enthusiastically and graciously. In other words, don’t feel bad or make them feel bad because you now have to spend money, or because they “barely” won, or anything that could mar the occasion. Set the money aside a little at a time so it doesn’t create any problem when it’s time for the reward. Have fun with it!